Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have overweight or obesity?

According to the Obesity Action Coalition, obesity is measured by various means, but the most common methods used are Body Mass Index (BMI) and Waist Circumference. There is no perfect method to measuring obesity, however these two indicators are most commonly used by clinicians as a tool to diagnose weight.


BMI is a measurement used to indicate obesity and morbid obesity in adults. BMI is calculated by dividing a person’s weight in kilograms by his or her height in meters squared. An adult with a BMI of 30 or greater is considered to have obesity.

Once you find your measurement, you will want to find your weight classification that is accompanied on the BMI chart or calculator. Knowing your BMI is a good starting point in addressing your weight. If you find you are in an unhealthy range, you will want to talk with your doctor to address this issue.

Waist Circumference

Waist circumference is a less-common method used to measure obesity in an individual. This simple measurement indicates obesity and morbid obesity in adults by measuring your waist. To find your waist circumference, wrap a tape measure around the area above your hip bone and below your rib cage.

According to the International Diabetes Federation, waist circumference as a sign of metabolic syndrome is different for different ethnicities. 

For people of European descent, for females a waist circumference of 35 inches or greater is considered unhealthy. For men, a waist circumference of 40 inches or greater is considered unhealthy.

For South Asians (Chinese, Japanese, Malay, Asian-Indian), for females a waist circumference of 31.5 inches or greater is considered unhealthy. For men, a waist circumference of 35 inches or greater is considered unhealthy.

For people from South/Central America, use same cut-offs as Asians.

For peope from Middle East, Sub-Saharan Africa, use same cut-offs as Europeans. 

Which treatment is right for me?

Based on your medical conditions and history, an appropriate lifestyle and treatment plan will be formulated. If surgery is an appropriate option for you, you will be referred to a surgeon and all the risks and benefits of each procedure will be discussed.

FDA-approved medications for weight loss include:

  • phentermine products (Adipex, Lomaira)
  • orlistat (Xenical® or alli®)
  • naltrexone HCI AND bupropion HCI (CONTRAVE®)
  • phentermine- topiramate ER (Qsymia®)
  • liraglutide injection (Saxenda®)
  • semaglutide injection (Wegovy®)
  • Tirzepatide injection (Zepbound®)

In addition to the above medications, you may be prescribed other medications to address weight-related medical conditions as well as nutritional supplements as required based on your medical evaluation.

Do I have to be a certain weight to be seen?

No, you do not need to be a particular weight to benefit from our services.  Whether you are looking to lose a few pounds or 100 lbs, we can customize a program to optimize your health.  

What can I expect at my first visit?

  • Complete medical history evaluation and exam with a focus on your weight and medical complications you are experiencing. This includes discussion of conditions for which you could be at risk as well as discussion of prior attempts at weight loss.
  • Comprehensive laboratory evaluation to better understand the effects of your weight on your health as well as to identify causes of your weight gain. We will go over the results at your second visit.
  • Laboratory: You have several options for where you can go to have your labs drawn. You may visit a draw site and you also have the option for mobile phlebotomist to come to your home and draw your blood work (no additional charge). More details will be discussed during your visit.
  • Body composition analysis with Inbody 570. You will get a report with amount of body fat and muscle as well as estimation of basal metabolic rate.
  • Set goals for your health and weight
  • You will be given recommendations for changes you can implement immediately.
  • You will be given detailed recommendations for a lifestyle change diet that will be customized based on your labs, medical history, and personal preferences. One size does not fit all!
  • Appropriate use of FDA-Approved and nutritional supplements based on your medical conditions and needs.
  • Your second visit will be shortly after your labs are done and then you will be seen monthly for appointments with scheduled weekly phone consultations. This will provide you with the accountability and coaching you need.

How long are the visits?

In order to provide you with a comprehensive evaluation and personalized treatment plan, your first and second visits will each be approximately 75-90 minutes long. Your monthly visits will be approximately 45-60 minutes. 


Are your programs covered by insurance?

We are out of network with all insurance plans. In order to provide our patients with a personalized & comprehensive experience, we are out of network so we are not bound by insurance guidelines for your care.

Our membership model allows for longer visits to have adequate time with you to customize your treatment plan and provide lifestyle counseling in addition to medical management. Monthly and Transition programs include weekly or bi-weekly check ins with our Certified Health Coach and our patients enjoy texting access to reach Dr. Mittal and the team to help troubleshoot issues between visits. 

We can provide upon request a superbill with medical diagnosis codes from patient visits, which you may submit to your insurance as an “out of network provider”. Reimbursement depends on your individual insurance plan. Please inquire if you are interested in doing this and our staff can assist you. 

Last, our clinical services are typically covered by flexible or health spending accounts (FSA/HSA). You may check with your plan prior to your appointment.