What drives your health habits & decisions? Is it self-love?

What drives your health habits & decisions? Is it self-love?

Do the feelings that drive your health habit decisions and actions come from a place of love or criticism? 

What really drives you?


Is it a desire to do the BEST for your body to give it what it deserves…. OR are you driven by:


⛔️Self criticism 

⛔️The "not good enough feeling"


⛔️Trying to meet some “ideal standard”


When you choose to move the French fries aside when ordering that sandwich and opt for a side salad instead, when you forego the second margarita, when you get in that workout, when you skip the midnight snack- do you make the choice FOR you or as a punishment?

Life can throw curve balls and at times, the "off path" decisions (like spending time scrolling on the couch, having the whole bag of chips or skipping that workout) can feel like self-care... but is it?

Just like any other person, I am guilty at times of over-indulging, not exercising as much I meant to, not always prioritizing sleep…(staying up late watching Netflix shows!), being stressed, “justifying” treats and indulgences because “life is tough right now”… sound familiar? 


🤷🏽‍♀️ Ironic I know consider what I do for a living… We are all human. Right?!


Having said that, I try to make the “right” choices to get my health habits on track for the BIG PICTURE....

👉🏽Not coming from a punitive place, but from love

👉🏽For me, for my body and for my long term mental & physical health and fulfillment


☝🏽No extremes here…no proclamations of “I’ll never eat x,y,z again…There is always room for some indulgence & imperfection... just doing my best- day to day, moment to moment… all we have control over is the PRESENT MOMENT.


💚Can you consider making choices for your health habits and do the BEST you can for you and your body in the moment right in front of you? Because yes, YOU DESERVE THE BEST… you get to choose what that looks like! 


In health, 

Dr M

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